Study Abroad Counseling
We provide the best advice and information related to your Academic and Career goals. Students will find the counseling highly informative and productive in making their choices. Alongside academic counseling, we also specialize in providing Career and Financial Counseling such that your study abroad requirements are aptly met. Our admissions experts help you apply to the right schools the right way. Once the interview is done and the University has extended an offer of admission to you, the next step is to prepare the financial documents for issuance of the offer letter form from the University. On receiving the offer letter, the next step is obtaining the Visa. This is a very complex and scientific process made simple through our Visa Counseling Service.
- We Provide you information and instructions for booking the Visa dates.
- We Provide guidance for paying the Visa and SEVIS fees and filling the Visa application forms.
- We Help you prepare the necessary Visa documents and hold mock Visa interview sessions.
- We Get financial certificate forms and instructions issued by the University as well as provide you with samples of bank letter/statement and affidavit of support and referrals to institutions issuing the loan.
- We streamline your international school application process by helping you take the right step at the right time so that you have a smooth journey - from take off to landing!
We focus on you
Career Counseling
Your career development is a lifelong process that, whether you know it or not, actually started when you were born! There are a number of factors that influence your career development, including your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances. Career Counseling is a process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions. Career development is more than just deciding on a major and what job you want to get when you graduate. It really is a lifelong process, meaning that throughout your life you will change, situations will change, and you will continually have to make career and life decisions. The goal of Career Counseling is to not only help you make the decisions you need to make now, but to give you the knowledge and skills you need to make future career and life decisions. What can I expect? Your Career Counselor WILL: Help you figure out who you are and what you want out of your education, your career, and your life. Be someone for you to talk to about your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and concerns about your career and educational choices, who will help you sort out, organize, and make sense of your thoughts and feelings. Help you identify the factors influencing your career development, and help you assess your interests, abilities, and values. Help you locate resources and sources of career information. Help you to determine next steps and develop a plan to achieve your goals. Your Career Counselor WON’T: Tell you what to do, or tell you what you should major in or what career you should pursue. Advise you in course selection or scheduling. Who needs Career Counseling? Since career development is a lifelong process, Career Counseling can be appropriate for anyone, including freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and even alumni. The earlier you get started making intentional decisions about your future, however, the better prepared you will be! We recommend that all freshmen come in and visit with a Career Counselor. Below are some examples of concerns that bring students to Career Counseling: Exploring Career and Major Options “I have no idea what I want to do with my life.” “I don’t know what to major in.” “I’ve narrowed it down to a couple career options, but I’m having a hard time choosing between them.” “I know what I want to major in, but I have no idea what I want to do once I graduate.” “I know what I want to do, but I’m not sure what the best major would be. “I want to know what kinds of jobs I can get with my major.” “I don’t feel like I know enough about all the different careers out there to know what I want to do.” Resolving Conflicts “I like a lot of different subjects, and I keep changing my major because I’m not sure which one is the best for me!” “I don’t like any of my classes and none of the majors seem really appealing to me.” “I have a lot of work experience and I want to find a new career path that will build on the skills I already have.” “I was planning on going into the _______ program, but I applied and didn’t get in. What do I do now?” “I always thought I wanted to be a _______, but I got into my major and I really don’t like it!” “I really like my major, but it’s not what I want to do for my career.” “I know what type of work I’d like to do, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to make enough money doing it.” “My family really wants me to be a _______, but I’m not sure if that’s really what I want.” “I’ve always planned on being a _______, but I’m wondering if it’s only because that’s all I know.” “I want to find a field to go into where there will always be plenty of jobs.” “I want to find a career that will allow me to provide significant financial support for my family.” “I’m working towards my career, but I think I might just really want to be a stay-at-home parent.” “I’ve always planned to stay in Boise, but to do what I’d like to do I’d have to move.” “I can’t find a job, so I’m thinking about going to grad school.” Who is a Career Counselor? The Career Services staff member assisting you holds a masters degree and has expertise in career development theory, counseling techniques, administration and interpretation of assessments, and career information resources. Career Counselors have masters degrees in Counseling or Career Counseling. Your job search/ career attainment process is also a critical aspect of your career development, and therefore, Job Search Advising and Career Counseling are intertwined. Your Career Counselor is also fully trained to assist with all aspects of your job search.

At NISSUS, we believe that a good quality Education should be accessible and easily achievable. Here, we provide you with the Scholarship options in all major Universities and Colleges at the University/College of your choice. Scholarship Application is a very tedious process and we help you navigate the requirements and help you succeed in achieving the right kind and amount of scholarships for you.
SOP Evaluation and Analysis

An essay should be memorable. One of the worst things you can do with your statement of purpose is to bore the admissions committee of the universities in the USA, yet that is exactly what most applicants do. Tell a story. Be truthful and stick to the facts; yet, think of the statement of purpose in the terms of writing a story. You want to write as fresh, lively, different – not to mention articulate – to put yourself ahead of the other applicants. Find an Angle If you are like most people, however, your life story might well lack significant drama, so figuring out a way to make it interesting becomes the big challenge. Finding an angle is vital. Brainstorm for ideas which emphasize your exceptional qualities, goals, past performances. Concentrate on Your Opening Paragraph The OPENING PARAGRAPH is generally the MOST IMPORTANT. Here you either GRAB the readers attention or lose it. If you are telling a story you will use this first paragraph to introduce the elements most relevant to that story – and the ones that will hold greatest interest for the reader.

Tell Who You Are The committee needs to get a sense of who you are, what makes you tick, and how you are different from other applicants. They should be interested in you by now, eager to hear more, impressed that what you’re saying to them — the story you’re relating – is not simply what they’ve read a thousand times before. Sometimes a SOP can be perfectly well written in terms of language and grammar, but disastrous in lacking punch or impact and in being totally off the mark concerning what it chooses to present about the applicant. Remember, what is most important about your SOP is what you say and how you say it! Be selective about what you tell the admissions committee. What you choose to say in your statement is, again, very much a reflection of you because it shows the committees what you priorities are, what you consider to be important. The personal statement is often an indication, too, of your judgement, so be careful and give a great deal of thought to what you write. Think about yourself, you background, experiences and abilities – as well as what you know about the profession— and develop a strategy (Is it interesting, relevant, different, memorable?) Review your life very carefully (get help from family or friends if necessary) for facets or experiences that reveal an unusual dimension, related to your professional goals, or could serve as evidence of your suitability for a certain career. Try to maintain a positive and upbeat tone. While it is often useful to deal candidly with aspects of your history that might be perceived negatively, overall you still want to project confidence and enthusiasm. What NOT to Include Be Selective. Do not provide something more than a recitation of information available elsewhere in the application. Sometimes there will be things you want to mention because you are proud of those achievements and experiences; however, they may not belong in your statement. The information you give must support your story and/or case. You will not want to talk about every achievement. References to experiences or accomplishments during your high school years or earlier are not a good idea. There are exceptions, extraordinary achievements or traumatic event that had a significant impact on your development or career plans. You sound very young and immature if this information does not have a big impact on your life. Finally, do not mention subjects that are potentially controversial; it is impossible for you to know the biases of members of various admissions committees. Religion and politics normally don’t belong in these statements, although, again, there may be exceptions. Any views that might be interpreted as strange or highly unconventional should also be omitted because you want to avoid them.

Visit Visa Application
At NISSUS, we believe that a good quality Education should be accessible and easily achievable. Here, we provide you with the Scholarship options in all major Universities and Colleges at the University/College of your choice. Scholarship Application is a very tedious process and we help you navigate the requirements and help you succeed in achieving the right kind and amount of scholarships for you.

Dependent Visa processing
At NISSUS, we believe that a good quality Education should be accessible and easily achievable. Here, we provide you with the Scholarship options in all major Universities and Colleges at the University/College of your choice. Scholarship Application is a very tedious process and we help you navigate the requirements and help you succeed in achieving the right kind and amount of scholarships for you.